Myanmar Evangelical Press (MEP) is a Christian ministry that focuses on producing evangelical theological literatures for ministers and lay alike.
We are evangelical and reformed in our theological outlook. We are committed to the evangelical historic confessions of the Christian faith. Our belief is well summarized in the historic apostolic creed, that define the core of Christian belief. We are ecumenical in that we work with various denominations, groups of various theological outlooks. Yet we stand firm in our confession:
We believe all scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for doctrine, and discipline.
We believe in the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each distinct person yet one in essence.
We believe in the universal church of Christ, imperfectly manifested in and through the lives of local congregations across the globe amongst diverse ethnic groups in the world.
We believe that all human being are sinners, totally deprave, totally unable to save himself/herself from the wrath of God. That salvation can only come through the redemptive work of Christ, whose accomplished works are applied to those whom God chose to save and preserved to the end.
Amidst religious pluralism in our societies today, we believe Jesus Christ is the only and final Savor.
We believe that all Christians are call to share their faith in word and deed, whenever and wherever possible.